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Request Selection Choices Description
Year Selection Year 2021,2019... Series Year for selected action
Race Results Shows single race results
. Race Race1,Race2... Race selection
. Report Type OA, AG, TM OA-Overall, AG-Age Group, TM-Team
Standings Shows Series Standings by AgeGoup
. Team . Display team series standings
. Age Group W, W19sele-39... Age Group selection (default All)
Awards Shows Series Standings for Clubs
. Cup . Display series Cup standings
. Awards . Series Award standings
RSU Feed Pulls data from RunSignup login required
. Action GetRSU Retrieve data from RunSignup and load - Admin Required
. Action CalcSeries Calculates individual and team scores - Admin Required
. Action LockRSU Locks results pulled form RSU - Admin Required
. logging link to logging displays page hits - Admin Required
. maintalias link to alias maintenance of runners due to name mismatching - Admin Required